Its been a busy week around town, and it is only going to get busier from here on out.
The big news in town is that tomorrow, the Macaulay Salmon Hatchery (DIPAC) is stocking Twin Lakes with Triploid Rainbows for the first time ever. Instead of stocking with baby King Salmon this year, the rainbows are going in, with the hope that they could survive a winter in the lakes. This will surely make for some new, fun and interesting fishing!
On that note, wild salmon fry and smolt are finally leaving the safety of their creeks, and the hatchery is beginning to drop net pens, leaving these salmon fry and smolt to sit in the estuaries and cruise the beaches before blasting out to sea. This really makes for good fishing for the hungry Dolly Varden and Searun Cutthroat.
Focus on bracketing low tides (two hours before two hours after). The Dollies have been moving in schools up around the beaches in town from Dupont to Cowee and everywhere in between. The name of the game this week is patience, and variation. If you are not seeing jumpers or salmon fry busts, don't give up just yet... there is so much food (aka salmon fry) in the water for the Dollies that they are not always forcing the fry to the surface and feeding on them. Sometimes you've just got to throw in some blind casts at your favorite beach in town, and you will typically pick up a few. Try throwing realistic fry patterns like the AK Clouser minnow in olive/white and gray and white, the Fryolator, Green and Gold smolt, Stinger Clouser Minnow and Chum-Bodys Baby.
Looking forward, we are just over a week away from the beginning of the Windfall Creek Sockeye season. Sockeye season is an exciting time around Juneau, because the sockeye are feisty and mighty tasty. That being said, we do remind you that Windfall is only open to fishing on Wednesday's and Saturday's through the month of June and closes the month of July to fishing all together. We are beginning to post dates for fly casting lessons, so keep checking in on those here.
As always Happy Fishing!
We'd love to see your fishing photos! Send photos to:
Instagram: @alaskaflyfishinggoods